Management Team

Dr. Faran Faghih

CEO and Board of Director

Dr. Faghih is a co-founder of Miracare and serves as the President and CEO of the company. She is responsible for day-to-day operations of the company. Faran holds a Doctor of Dental Surgery and is board-certified. She has extensive experience in dental color matching and procedures and has also been involved in maxillofacial prosthetics.  She is an enthusiastic, career-oriented and talented professional. She has also been defining and managing a wide range of research projects related to dental surgery.

Mozhgan Mollaeisangelaji

CTO and Board of Director

Ms. Mollaei is a co-founder of Miracare and serves as CTO of the company. Mozhgan holds an MBA and a bachelor’s degree in computer software engineering. She has a strong background in Both the technical and management aspects of the business. She is an inspiring project manager with proven abilities in team management and product development, having continuously delivered strong results in cross-functional projects through effective business partnering, effective communication, and creative thinking skills.

Hooman Hoshi

CFO and Board of Director

Mr. Hoshi is a co-founder of Miracare and serves as CFO of the company. Hooman holds a master’s degree in accounting and has an extensive experience in finance, planning, accounting, and risk management. As part of an executive management team, Hooman is a key member of the company. Because of outstanding leadership and communication skills, Hooman always provides an independent perspective and constructively challenges the technical and operational teams, ensuring that business decisions are grounded in solid financial criteria.

Mojgan Razazifar

COO and marketing manager and Board of Director

Ms. Razazifar is a co-founder of Miracare and serves as COO and marketing manager of the company. Mojgan holds a bachelor’s degree in English language interpretation and translation. Mojgan is a passionate entrepreneur with an extensive experience in operation, sales, and marketing. She has helped clients from different industries with innovative and cost-effective solutions. She also has a proven background in managing the commercialization of innovative ideas.

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